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“Never give up on the things you want, even though it's not coming as quick as expected, still do not give up. Never lose hope. Believe in you.”

Deborah Nwakwesili

Open Book
About Me: Quote
Almond Blossom


The things that interest me the most are; learning about Genetics, Biology (specifically the study of animals), taking care of my twenty indoor plants, cleaning, anything art-related, and knitting/crocheting. I also love my job, and you might think that's not an interest, but to me, I love being able to help out my older dementia clients and providing them with the best of care. 
My school life before attending Union County Early College started in Rogers, Minnesota. In that location, I attended a local school up until 7th grade. Those academic years I don't recall much and repress it due to bullying in school and the abuse I suffered in my personal life. I struggled with English as a kid because it was my second language. The effect of this was my academic performance and overall my social life being in the lows. I dealt with much racial discrimination because I was culturally different and couldn't speak proper English. Despite these circumstances, I persevered through the obstacles in my way and became more competent. My core theme is that I am a fighter who strives to become a better individual and break toxic cycles through anything that approaches my path. During my time at UCEC, I learned many valuable lessons that include; time management, how to socialize myself, self-individuality, and essentially how to survive college. The creative process I went through was like refining a piece of coal into a magnificent diamond. In the present circumstances, I can note all the considerable hardships and exhausting work have delivered me further than I could have ever seen since I came here. I enjoy taking science-related classes, and the lessons I don't particularly enjoy are math-related courses. 
Because of my ADHD, I've struggled with learning in a school setting. It was always problematic for me to listen attentively and be able to follow along. The best learning style that I have figured out for myself is typically Visual/Solitary. My best academic achievement naturally occurs when I don't provide distractions and see what is taught. I strategically plan on graduating from South Piedmont Community College and Union County Early College, earning both of my academic degrees. It is currently my fifth year in the educational program, and I have already accepted admission into Wingate University. With this valuable opportunity, I dream of receiving my bachelor's degree in Biology and then pursuing Medical School. My main career goal is to do something Emergency Medicine related and Hospice Care. Through this website journey, I hope to exemplify what persevering looks like and illustrate that my most fantastic dreams came from my deepest sorrows.

About Me: About Me


About Me: Intro
About Me: Pro Gallery
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